The members of the Morrilton Rotary Club recently gave a makeover to the interior of ACTION Services, a division of the Conway County Center for Exceptional Children. The members of the Morrilton Area Rotary Club have long been active community helpers, most recently enhancing downtown Morrilton curb appeal and walkability through a landscaping service project.
The civic club members brought a little love to the ACTION Services campus during Valentine Week by painting the brick of the main corridor. The main corridor was once an exterior wall that served as the bus pick up and drop off for West Side Kindergarten, which once occupied the Childress Street location. As ACTION Services, the area has been enclosed with the bus port moved to the west end of the building.
ACTION Services serves all of Conway County by providing work opportunities and life skills programming for adults with disabilities originating before the age of 22. Also, ACTION Services provides confidential shredding services for over 300 businesses in the Central Arkansas region. Contact them at 501-354-6061.
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